It's 4 U, Beave

So, I write these elaborate posts that kinda don't make sense. Today I have no creative energy. I feel like a sponge that's been dipped in dirty dishwater and then wrung out...or something to that effect, I would imagine.
Anyway, as all of you know ( I HOPE, or I'll personally strangle you, jk), my 20th Birthday was Saturday, and I started partying at noon on Friday with whisky (thanks Rainer:) !) And then went to the Auto Show with B. Beaver and M. Cha. Well, Briana and they're not strippers or porn stars, for those you who are wondering. Pervert.
ANYWAY, we went and looked at the cars and took pictures.... It was fun. Cha wanted 2 DUB keychains but only got 1....WAAAAAAA!!! ok, jk. That was a minor detail. There was a really shiney car there...that was the only one I really remember. But it was fun to see all the shiney cars and DUBS and rich people who actually were considering buying these cars.....some cost more that a large house. wow.
"Hey Beaver, did you say you'd marry for money? Looks?"

"Yeah....I mean no.....There's something to be said for personality." She said.

It's true. There's something to be said for personality but I forgot what it was. Oh well.

So then we left. It was not as cold as it was when we got there which was funny, because it was dark out. Usually temperature drops when the sun leaves the sky. But no. This is Michigan we're talking about people. So yeah, we got into the car and discussed where we were going to eat: La Shish? Macaroni Grill?

........PANERA....? hahahahhahhaha, jk. I just had to throw that one in there for Beave.

But we were driving...actually Mary was driving the good ol' Honda at a nice clip...pace....speed...whatever, fuck being literary right now. And as we flew past HockyTown CAFE Briana Beaver made a comment about getting some kind of Detroit "experience" and we agreed that if we were gonna do it up we better do it BIG in the D....with our DUB keychains and all... SO we turned around and headed for Hockeytown....but THEN...dum....dum...dum....we changed our minds.

Mexican food! Mexican town Detroit, right? YES! "But where?" One might ask....or 3 honors college girls might ask. And we kept on driving...and driving....and driving....and driving we even KNOW where we're going? no. Not really. But Cha started chewing, packing away gum like they were marshmallows and she was in a competative tourament of "chubby bunny."
And there were some phone calls people who might have been able to reel us in from obscurity...a.k.a give us directions. No fancy way of saying it. We're lost.
So Beave decides to give the old EX a ring...always a good idea right? Maybe, maybe not....ask Beave next time you see her...or don't. ANYWAY, we don't know where we are therefore none of these people who know where it is can help we keep driving....and driving...and driving.....

"FUCKIN' A!!!!!! MORE GUM!!!!!"
Please pay no attention to that outburst, it was just's the turrets. She's okay. Really.

.......And I made baby-footfrints with my hand in the frosted car window. Cha and Beaver were on the phone and I was about to utilize the old celli myself when I realized: few of my friends had ever even BEEN to Detroit let alone Mexican Town...and the ones that did were probably drunk and of little it was the eve of my birthday and in my universe the world was revolving around me. I imagined I saw little green gnomes in the snow, thumbs...I started laughing.

It's okay Cha. Eat more gum.

Then we drove in loops and ended back on the highway several times. We even spent some quality time at the Marathon Gas station. Golden Memories!!
But we made it there. That is key. We got there alive, (despite M. Cha's frantic predictions of death). But we were hungry, indeed.

"I WANNA SEE MEXICAN PEOPLE!!! WHERE ARE THE SOMBREROS?" that girl....she thought the Lions played at the Joe...LOL. Only dull people are brilliant on Friday nights right? RIGHT. :)

Where's ESPERANZA? OK, that was for the WAD peeeps, what! What! Represent!!!!! Ok.... No? No. Ok.
So we found a restaurant and another one...and another one and one that looked like it might be a personal wait....It WAS a residence. We were that hungry.
Anyway we ended up eating at Xochimillcos, I believe that was the name, and the food as heavenly...either that or I was incredibly hungary. The world may never know.
The Beave and the Cha had a plan. They wanted to do up the whole birthday know the drill, embarassing song and dessert....but the restaurant was too busy (thank god) and there was no song. But there was cold cake. Very cold, but good. I even got a little candle. :). Fun times. No forks but that was ok. A knife works when the cake is cold enough.
OK, so then we sat and gossiped for like an hour....always a blast! You know of whom we spoke!!!! LLLAAUUUREN...JUUUDDDE....MARG...., fun, fun. WAD old memories. I think I talked to some kid names Trevor who was stranded on eight mile. Yeah, it was that kinda night.

As we were leaveing the restaurant, this guy in a faded plaid vest approached us...and asked for like, 50 sents, something small. Beave and I said no, politely and when we turned to keep on walking to the car, we found that our dear friend Mary Cha had made a dash...apparently she didn't like beggars or was scared of them....for we saw her tunneling through the darkness,...made me laugh anyway.

So After we left (BTW thanks for DINNER GIRLS!!!) and did not get lost on the way back might I add. We worked out (telepathically of course) with Kanye was...special.
I think Christina called me a bunch of times and i talked to Consetta on the phone, there was a party, I believe, at Joes...the "FRAT" jjja.
But Mary felt "crusty" and Briana had to work early so I ended up hitting up the par-tay by my lonesome...not really but you girls shoulldda come!!!! jk. There's a lot more weekends to come!
There I found more whisky, beer, talking, girls and boys, socialists and republicans....Santa....Yeah, it was that kinda night. There was a boy names TEEN SPIRIT there...a 40 yr old trapped in a 13 yr old's body...but really he was 18. Didn't look it...but he was the only sober one there, so he drove me, B. Koss, and Christine back to the dorms. I had to work nightwatch.
We watched bootlegged CARNIVALE (HBO series) for like an hour before I had to go to NW. I LOVE that show! Samson's a Handsome Devil.
Anyway, I am getting bored with this crappy writing. Need to get back to my tropes and metaphors.
But this one's for you Beave, because you are prolly the only one who actually reads my wordy posts to the last sentance...or maybe you don't. But since you got to the end...

And CHA, see, you prolly only read like the first 2 sentances and then asked Beaver what it was about.....or better yet, scrolled down...hehehehehe)
If I married Cha's Bro my name would be Minehaha CHA....hahahhahaaha.

Ok.... no? No. Ok.
I *HEART* my friends!

~Word to your Mother~


Sarah Jane said...

I love this post!!! You are the best writer in the world!!!!!!!
*heart* Big Sis