People, not plants

Just like the blossoms are disappearing from the spring trees, I'd like to go incognito. Maybe I'd be stuck to the wheel of a car or the bottom of a shoe, like a petal. Then, I wouldn't have to respond to anything, anything at all. I wouldn't have to write stories about things and wonder if they matter in the long run.

I'd like to write about plants, not people. But it's people that need to be written about; people that need to be kept aware of their their own nature. For now, I need to write about people because if I am the flower I think I am, then I will have my time to shine, my time to be a novelty, then disappear.

Flower Day

On a day full of brisk wind and spotted with the occasional rain shower, gardeners from all over Michigan came out to be a part of annual "Flower Day" at Eastern Market in Detroit. Hundreds of vendors were there selling everything from petunias to plam trees. Organizers expected about 150,000 people to attended throughout the day on Sunday. The 42nd Annual Flower Day is one of the biggest flower shows in the country, taking up more than 15 acres of space with vendors, live music, and visual entertainment. The turn out was stellar this year, despite the unpredictable weather. If spring was ever in the air, it was at Eastern Market on Sunday. Here are some views of the colorful event:

Mike Huckabee jokes about Obama getting shot

Mike Huckabee, speaking at an NRA program, was interrupted by a loud noise. He joked:

'That was Barack Obama," Huckabee said. 'He just tripped off a chair. He was getting ready to speak and someone pointed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.'"

Obama visits Macomb: a look at the press. Plus: Edwards Edorsement

I woke up at 6:15a.m. this morning because I had a press check-in at 9 a.m. in Macomb and I had to figure out how to get there, and also how to get a rose thorn out of my foot ... but I digress. The Obama event that was announced last night around 5:00. I've never been to one of these national press things and I learned a lot, if nothing else, about how the press works. I got a weird feeling early on, when I saw about ten TV trucks outside and press busses and all the rather gittery people they contained descending upon this little community college student center. It was very competitive.

I mean, just before Obama went on stage, the press pounced at the sight of a hijab on a muslim woman. Why? Were they thinking: "Here's our chance to know what the muslims think!?!" I have a feeling I'm on the right track. I felt like a vulture and made sure not to follow suit and attack the muslim couple and their kids with questions and shove cameras in their face. The whole press thing kinda creeped me out, it was like a bunch of hungry, informational hyenas circling for scraps of information thrown down by the lions (in this case, BO and his campaign).

In fairness, it was a very controlled environment. I could tell people that came, aside from the press ,were big Obama fans and that that may not have been such a coincidence. This way, the message that will be broadcasted will be "Macomb Loves Obama" and I'm sure they do. I'm sure they do, but, almost everyone?

Either way, my point was that the press pick apart an event like a carcass and descend upon certain people just to follow a set of silly requirements:"Talk to the muslim people, talk to the white people, we wanna know, we wanna know what they think!" For instance the people who got to ask Obama questions during the event got mauled by press seconds after Obama left the stage. And of course, they're all gonna say the same thing to each news person, so why would everyone want to get the same thing? One woman there, Susan Watson of Canton, said she refuses talk to the News Or the Freep. Good for her. She talked to me, though.

I found myself smiling a lot to compensate for feeling like a jerk when I asked people questions and if they were receptive I made it more conversational. I think I spent too long with certain people and didn't get as good a sampling of the crowd as I could have, but there is something lost and gained from that. I just know I didn't like the "annoying reporter" technique where they just pick at you until you say something--anything.

Early on, I met a girl named Christina, who worked for the Detroit News, and she was very nice, but seemed a little disgruntled about a lot of things--like how her job made her wake up early and get to the place before anything even stated happening, about how the News website sucks because she has to write three different versions of the story (on for web, and a couple for the paper). She also was saying how they told her to wear her running shoes because she might be chasing down people for comments. She was asking me questions, like "How many black people would you say are here" or "Who are those people sitting behind Obama?" I was happy to help, lol. They also had asked her to ID people she was interviewing and how reporters have to take pitures now and that's not what she went to school for...ikes. Also, how annoying they guy from the Freep was (competition). Somebody doesn't like their job much? Maybe it was a bad morning.

The other thing I noticed was that "The Press" means white people. Of the 50 press people there I think there was one asian, and thee blacks--one was me and the others were this guy from MTV with dreadlocks, and this other guy wearing a tigers cap who was behind one of the fox 2 cameras....And, oh yeah, Al Allen who was standing around looking a little dazed and confused, but does he count?

Good Old, old Al Allen, a looking a bit tired

One more thing: I overheard a guy from The New York Times interviewing Isaac Robinson the political director for the Mich. Teamsters Union. He was a really twitchy little guy who insisted on chewing gum a mile a minute and had some admirable skills in writing shorthand. But when he got the chance to speak with Robinson about the event what did he ask? "Why isn't Obama Wearing a flag pin? Does it bother you? Do you think it'll matter to people in the gen. election?" REALLY? Really, little twittery NYT guy? Aren't you, like, the standard other journalists wish they held themselves up to? UM, I'm a little confused.

Oh yeah, I ALMOST FORGOT. This press guy with scraggly brown hair to his shoulders got my attention and some other people's, too, when he literally was walking so fast he ran into a metal TV pole really hard and stumble backwards with his hand to his head. We were like "Are you all right?" And he wandered forward looking a bit bewildered. "Physically, I'm ok. Mentally, NO." was the answer he gave before being swallowed somewhere in the crowd of other mentally strained press. I got the feeling a lot of them were on speed and really really stressed out. I wanted to be like relax. Seriously. Stop being robots, we're all people.
One reporter who was there kept signing loudly during Obama's speech. He obviously didn't like the whole Obama thing, but he's neutral, right? UM YEAHRIGHT. So am I. But it's OK! How is anyone supposed to be neutral, we're people!

This other reporter for a Warren daily was there with his little personal camera and admitted he was gonna try and get some "personal shots to show m friends" Obama fan? I think.

And One thing I noticed is that the crowd in front of us press could clap and on the other side of the ropes, silence. At first my hands automatically started coming together but when I saw the stone faces of the press I caught myself. I did laugh at Obama's Viagra joke, though, I couldn't help it. Viagra's just always good for a funny, especially when you're talking about drug companies and health care ... it lightens the mood.

So anyway, no one was talking about Clinton today, that's for sure. I felt like she's almost a joke now. People there were democrats. They were working class people I'd say. All of them were either "on the fence" or for Obama. Even those "on the fence" said they felt like Obama was gonna be it seeing as Clinton is losing. I mean, John Edwards endorsed Obama this evening in Grand Rapids. So, anyway, things are looking very good for BO. Obama is very charismatic, funny, relational. Edwards, a running mate? Maybe.

National Police Week, Anyone?

NATIONAL POLICE WEEK ACTIVITIES continue throughout the Detroit community ... like this one, where kids get to play basketball with real live cops!!

On Thursday, May 15, 2008,
Central District (7310 Woodward) – From 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m., Central District officers and teens will play in a basketball game called, “Playing with a Purpose”. This activity offers an opportunity for officers and youth to build healthier relationships by interacting through sports. The game will be held at Consortium College Preparatory High School located at 1250 Rosa Parks Blvd.

WHY NOT EVERY DAY? One jolly day of basketball will make a difference, will it??? Cops could have an after school athletic program on a weekly or monthly basis. Could is the key word there. Hmm I should be in charge of something. Or maybe I could just sit here and talk about it.

The Detroit Police Department’s Office of Public Information will provide media with daily information on activities taking place in the six police districts for the duration of 2008’s National Police Week.

Northeastern District (5100 E. Nevada) – Beginning at 10:00 a.m., officers will provide students a tour of the district station and lunch followed by a presentation from a Registered Nurse who works at the Detroit Receiving Hospital’s in the emergency trauma unit. This event ends at 1:15 p.m. "Oh no, this is what happens when you play with guns?!!!" I'm curious as to what this 'presentation' will feature. I think I'm gonna check it out...maybe.

Western District (1441 W. 7 Mile) – At 7:00 p.m., Western District hosts a candlelight vigil service and will release balloons in memory of fallen officers. During this ceremony, Western District’s Explorers will perform a marching drill. Members from the Buffalo Soldiers organization will have their motorcycles on display and Radio One station - 102.7 will distribute free tee-shirts. [AWESOME hot 102.7 will be there!!! Gottta get my free T!!!]

Eastern District (11187 Gratiot) The United States Post Office will be available to assist with completing pass port applications. At noon, students from Osborn High School will participate in a Mock Trial with Circuit Court Judge Deborah Thomas. The day will end at 5:00 p.m. with a memorial service and the releasing of balloons in honor of fallen officers.
Northwestern District (11450 Warwick) – Beginning 9:45 a.m., officers will discuss with Community High School students the opportunities in law enforcement career as well as the importance of community service and driving responsibly. This event will end at 2:00 p.m. [this is kinda cool. Hope the kids enjoy it and learn. Persuasive skills are what get you ahead in life.]

From a northern perspective....

Somethin' New

Global Climate Change Isn't Just Warming


this is devastating to hear about. I wonder if it has to do with global climate change?

AP: Dem leader switches from Clinton to Obama

Bill Clinton appointed Andrew chairman of the DNC in 1999, and he led the party through the disputed 2000 presidential race before stepping down in 2001. Andrew endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton last year on the day she declared her candidacy for the White House.

In a lengthy letter explaining his decision, Andrew said he is switching his support because "a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to continue this process, and a vote to continue this process is a vote that assists (Republican) John McCain."

"The ship is taking on water right now," Andrew said at the news conference. "We need to patch those holes, heal the rift and go forward to beat John McCain."

Asked for a response to Andrew's decision, Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said, "We support that Democratic process and think that every American should be able to weigh in and support the candidate of his or her own choosing."

'Mettle under fire'
Andrew said the Obama campaign never asked him to switch his support, but he decided to do so after watching Obama's handling of two issues in recent days. He said Obama took the principled stand in opposing a summer gas tax holiday that both Clinton and McCain supported, even though it would have been easier politically to back it. And he said he was impressed with Obama's handling of the controversy surrounding his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Superdelegate sampling
Here's a look at some of the Democratic Convention's 796 superdelegates.
Wright's outspoken criticisms of the United States have threatened Obama's candidacy. Obama initially refused to denounce his former pastor, but he did so this week after Wright suggested that Obama secretly agrees with him.

"He has shown such mettle under fire," Andrew said in the interview. "The Jeremiah Wright controversy just reconfirmed for me, just as the gas tax controversy confirmed for me, that he is the right candidate for our party."

Andrew's decision puts Obama closer to closing Clinton's superdelegate lead. Clinton had a big advantage among superdelegates, many of whom like Andrew have ties to the Clintons and backed her candidacy early on. But most of the superdelegates taking sides recently have gone for Obama, who has won more state contests.