National Police Week, Anyone?

NATIONAL POLICE WEEK ACTIVITIES continue throughout the Detroit community ... like this one, where kids get to play basketball with real live cops!!

On Thursday, May 15, 2008,
Central District (7310 Woodward) – From 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m., Central District officers and teens will play in a basketball game called, “Playing with a Purpose”. This activity offers an opportunity for officers and youth to build healthier relationships by interacting through sports. The game will be held at Consortium College Preparatory High School located at 1250 Rosa Parks Blvd.

WHY NOT EVERY DAY? One jolly day of basketball will make a difference, will it??? Cops could have an after school athletic program on a weekly or monthly basis. Could is the key word there. Hmm I should be in charge of something. Or maybe I could just sit here and talk about it.

The Detroit Police Department’s Office of Public Information will provide media with daily information on activities taking place in the six police districts for the duration of 2008’s National Police Week.

Northeastern District (5100 E. Nevada) – Beginning at 10:00 a.m., officers will provide students a tour of the district station and lunch followed by a presentation from a Registered Nurse who works at the Detroit Receiving Hospital’s in the emergency trauma unit. This event ends at 1:15 p.m. "Oh no, this is what happens when you play with guns?!!!" I'm curious as to what this 'presentation' will feature. I think I'm gonna check it out...maybe.

Western District (1441 W. 7 Mile) – At 7:00 p.m., Western District hosts a candlelight vigil service and will release balloons in memory of fallen officers. During this ceremony, Western District’s Explorers will perform a marching drill. Members from the Buffalo Soldiers organization will have their motorcycles on display and Radio One station - 102.7 will distribute free tee-shirts. [AWESOME hot 102.7 will be there!!! Gottta get my free T!!!]

Eastern District (11187 Gratiot) The United States Post Office will be available to assist with completing pass port applications. At noon, students from Osborn High School will participate in a Mock Trial with Circuit Court Judge Deborah Thomas. The day will end at 5:00 p.m. with a memorial service and the releasing of balloons in honor of fallen officers.
Northwestern District (11450 Warwick) – Beginning 9:45 a.m., officers will discuss with Community High School students the opportunities in law enforcement career as well as the importance of community service and driving responsibly. This event will end at 2:00 p.m. [this is kinda cool. Hope the kids enjoy it and learn. Persuasive skills are what get you ahead in life.]