Det. Mayoral Candidate Warren Evans: "Public Safety is the biggest problem."

Detroit mayoral candidate and Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans spoke to a group of 12 senior citizens at a retirement home on Detroit's East Side on Monday afternoon [MLK day].

He addressed issues such as blight, employment, and budget but his main focus was public safety and policing techniques.

Here's the transcript from Evan's half hour speech to the Detroit senior voters.

I’m a third generation Detroiter. In 1910 my grandfather came here. [Studied in Detroit from Elementary school through law school].

If you haven’t lived the life that people in the city live, then you don’t really know what the problem is really. [Detroit is] so bad now I don’t think many people realize how good it could be. Everybody talks bout “the good old days.” I know in my life I’m looking for the god days.” “Even when this city was a better city it wasn’t better for us as black people.”

Public safety is I think the biggest problem. People in the city have got to feel safer. People would like to have the wheels on their car or their car when they go somewhere. Not only are taxes high bit you can’t get the police to respond when you call them.

I’ve been involved in criminal justices for 30 years. I’m not running for police chief, I’m running for mayor, but one thing you can be sure of is that I understand the language a police chief talks. When I hire a police chief nobody can blow smoke past me because I understand the business.

It’s important to understand that that’s not all I can do. I do other things in the city. [Mentioned his career as a Lawyer, college professor.]

The people that have the money to get out of Detroit go. No city is going to get better like that.
Usually the commitment is to fix up a downtown and bring in a Quicken. But when you bring in a company with a tax abatement so they don’t have to pa tax because they’re bringing jobs in … but when you watch in the morning people get off the freeway from the suburbs and go to job and they go home at the end of the day they haven’t done any business in the city. We need to look very seriously. What are we doing for.

The future of the City is in building up the neighborhoods. Property value of homes is higher because there’s a neighborhood. We don’t have that value now. Everywhere in the country 60 or 70 percent of all job are new jobs created in this country are new jobs created in what are called small businesses. In those small businesses, some of them might have 500 people in it but small compared to a General Motors.

I’m hoping auto companies … rebound but they will never be what they once were. So we’ve got to have safe neighborhoods. If we have safe neighborhoods people will start those business. See everything in my mind goes back to public safety.
I’ve been a professor for 20 years but I can’t go in there and turn the schools around academically. After talking to hundreds of teachers and hundreds of students [I found that] kids are scared to go to DPS and teachers are scared to teach. I don’t care what you do to the curriculum, if the kids aren’t comfortable in class and teachers aren’t comfortable teaching so even the biggest problem f DPS is public safety.

The mayor can do that. That doesn’t mean take over the schools. The mayor’s job is to protect the citizens. It’s not a pipe dream.
The police need to start responding to complaints. Let me tell you a little secret about how that operates before I tell you what the solution is . You also read articles that say crime is down. None of us are probably rocket but are smart enough to know crime is not down, right. The reason they can say it’s down is that crimes are is counted by reports. If they never come out to take the report it never happened. But the crime did happen. The most basic answer is to use common sense.

Every shift in Every district of the City of Detroit when an off comes on duty he has a list of all the other rounds that the shift before him never got to . So he or she starts out the day going around to 20 other places trying to catch up. When you’re catching up you’re not policing. Why waste two police officers in a scout car to go catch up? Why not have one person call the home owner, talk to him and go and get a report when you can and let the police officer in the police car protect you? I mean that’s what you want them to do. It is basically that simple to get started. Which is something you can get started on the next day. And then you start bring another police officers.

Leadership. Start using reserves. There are a lot of reserves in this city who volunteer their time to help the police dept. I’ve got people in my reserves that fight Internet crime. They spend their time chasing child predators. That makes them feel good. They come back to work because they provide something of value because I ask them to do something of value. But they do not get used appropriately.

Everybody’s gonna tell you they gonna fight crime. The question is when have you done it before and how have you done it? And if you’re so good at it how come you didn’t you fix it when you were office before?
If you go back and you believe that as a Sherriff I’ve done a good job. Don’t accept that has he’s a good sheriff he can’t do anything else. You pay me to do another job I’ll do a good job at that. Teaching 20 years, practicing law I work hard at what I do. We’re broke we messed up.

There are a lot of people running – business people other people now I’m not knocking anybody but I’m the only elected CEO in this race. You vote for me to run an organization. I’m not out chasing crooks all day. I wish I was ‘cause it’s fun. But that’s not what I do all day. I manage a $150 million a year budget and 1,200 employees. That’s what I do. It’s a small city. There are lots of city’s around here that don’t have that big a budget It would certainly be a promotion to running the city of Detroit but it’s the same, it’s apples to apples. I’m not running a private company that doesn’t have labor unions or state legislators and all those other people you have to deal with every day. I deal with them in good times and bad times.
I brought in $30-35 million in grants from the federal Govt. in the past 4-5 years. That’s federal grants. That’s not your tax dollars. You gotta go find ways to get money and move forward to do some stuff.

The city has a significant amount of money … Detroit has some money called neighborhood stabilization fund. And part of that money can be used to demolish buildings. We don’t have enough money to demolish them all, but one of my biggest pet peeves is that they don’t even use good judgment deciding what to tear down in the first place. I mean when the money comes I’ve seen them cut a contract with a vendor and then let him decide what houses he’s going to tear down. I want to tear down houses next to people who live in the community who got a burnt house next door to them. Get some of the abandon house out of the way so the kids can get to school. Even if you can’t tear them all down, prioritize the ones that are in the best interest of your citizens.

Let me just leave you with this. I’m a workaholic. And I don’t get Amnesia. If you see me later and it’s something I didn’t live up to then see me about it. I want my granddaughters to still live here. I don’t want my granddaughters all over the globe because they don’t want to live in the City of Detroit.