So as we all know, it's getting close to the time when McCain and Obama are going to pick their 'veeps' for the general election. And I think every single major media outlet (and not-so-major ones, too) are going on this wild goose chase to see if they can guess who each candidate will pick. It's like McCain/Lieberman ticket? Obama Biden? Huh? Maybe? Yes? No? Huh?

My thing is: Unless we're SERIOUSLY going to influence this choice by writing and reporting about it, then WHO CARES? They'll pick who they pick, and then we can say, Oh! He picked so and so and then write about that. Not spend days, weeks, months, trying to figure out who it will be. That's a waste of energy. Once it's announced, sure, I want to be the first to know! But before then even if I did guess right...a few hours after they announce it, it won't matter who was right. If it does, then that's just stupid, Journalistis.


Aspiring Intellectual said...

It is fun though. For a lot of these journalists, politics is their primary source of entertainment. And its entertaining to make predictions and watch them come to fruition, if for no other reason then for bragging rights. Just think of final fours brackets, Olympic predictions,etc. Think of the popularity of Nostradamus and psychics. We love predicting the future, and guessing and being wrong is better than not guessing at all...