Meghan McCain's political blog

Get this: Yesterday, John McCain held a press conference at the Big Rock (very fancy steak house in Birmingham, MI) during which he encouraged attendees to visit his daughter's blog, as she was covering her life on the trail. So I decided to check it out after I got an e-mail from my co-worker Ed Brayton that included a link to a blog that points out how much Meghan's blog coverage sucks.

I laughed so hard, I thought I'd share. But don't take my or Nick Gillespie's opinion for it. Check out Meghan's blog and get your own opinion, HERE.

Notice how 'awesome' the photo captions are. They go something like 'Check out this kid's tie' and 'How cute is this little girl'.

Complete with glamor shots of Meghan!

[Also notice that "Jay", the "Straight Talk Express" bus driver, is the only black person in a crowd of 3,000.]

Here's what Meg was most proud of this week:

And the main entry right now on the blog: oday began with one of the most memorable and unique town halls of Dad's campaign, held at the Toyota Arena in York, Pennsylvania. For the first time, Jay drove the "Straight Talk" right into the middle of the packed hall and Dad, U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman and former Governor Tom Ridge exited the bus into the cheering crowd of more than 3,000 people to start the town hall. It was such a cool entrance and an amazing event! I had a great time watching it unfold from the front seat of the bus. It was also fun spending most of the day with Senator Lieberman, one of the nicest and most genuine people I've ever met. Tomorrow we head to Michigan...>

I can sum all that up in one sentence: "Dear diary, I had so much fun on the bus with Dad today. Love, Meghan.

I assume this blog is geared at young people. But, as a young peron, I have to say, it misses the mark. It insults my intelligence ... and hers.