Proposal O: Operating Millage Renewal
To renew the millage authorized in 2000, shall Wayne County be authorized to continue to levy this millage at the estimated 2008 rollback rate of 0.9529 (about 95 cents per $1,000 of taxable valuation) for ten more years (2010 through 2019), and proceeds used to continue existing County services, including programs for arrest, detention and prosecution of criminals, juvenile court and related services, public health, recreation, County parks, job training, senior citizen services, and programs for meeting medical needs of the poor, the disabled, and the aged? This renewal is projected to generate $43,495,573 in 2010.
Yes ___
No ___
PROPOSAL D: Council By Distrcts
Shall the Detroit City Charter be amended to provide for a total of nine members of City Council with one (1) council member, with district residency, elected from each of seven (7) districts and two (2) members
elected at large?
Yes ___
No ___
PROPOSAL S: Detroit Public School District Bond Proposal
Shall the School District of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceed Five Hundred Million Five Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($500,540,000) and issue its unlimited tax general obligation bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of:
Constructing new replacement buildings and/or additions to existing buildings;
Remodeling existing buildings, including energy conservation, safety and security improvements;
Acquiring, improving and developing sites, including playgrounds, playfields and outdoor athletic facilities in the School District;
Furnishing, refurnishing, equipping and reequipping School District buildings; and
Acquiring and installing instructional technology equipment in and connecting School District buildings?
The estimated millage to be levied in 2010 to service this issue of bonds is 3.82 mills ($3.82 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple average annual millage rate required to retire the bonds of this issue is 2.56 mills ($2.56 per $1,000 of taxable value). The debt millage levy required to retire all bonds of the School District currently outstanding and proposed by this ballot proposal is currently estimated to remain at or below 13.0 mills. The bonds may be issued in multiple series, payable in the case of each series in not to exceed thirty (30) years from the date of issue of each series. If the School District borrows from the State to pay debt service on the bonds of this issue, the School District may be required to continue to levy mills beyond the term of the bonds to repay the State.
(Under State law, bond proceeds may not be used to pay teacher or administrator salaries, routine maintenance or repair costs or other School District operating expenses.)
Yes ___
No ___
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