In order to gain back some of the minority vote the RNC elected Michael Steele as the first African American to chair their party's national committee.
In his acceptance speech to RNC chair Friday evening, Michael Steele sounded a lot like President Obama. But since Obama already coined some things like the word 'change,' he had to play with words.
"It's time for something completely different and we're gonna bring it to them," Steele told RNC leaders in his acceptance speech. "We're going to bring this party to every corner every board room every neighborhood every community and we're going to say to friend and foe alike 'we want you to be a part of us. We want you to work with us' and for those of you who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over."
In addition to that, Steele ironically employed DNC chairman Howard Dean's 50-state strategy (which Obama later adopted) calling on uniting people from all over the U.S. map.
"To my friends in Northeast, get ready baby it's time to turn it on and work to do what we always do well and that is win. We're going to win again in the Northeast, were going to continue to win in the South. When we get to the West we're gonna lock it down and win there, too. We're going to win with a new storm in the Midwest.
Again, he emulated Obama when he called for a group effort and said he was listening to the people. "I cannot do this by myself," he said, echoing Obama almost verbatim. "This is about empowering you. We stand proud as the conservative party of the United States, the party of Lincoln. We will cede no ground on matters of principle on matters that matter to people of this country."
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