"Back before our love got lost you told me, you said, 'my love is constant as the Northern Star'... I said 'constantly in the darkness? Where's that at? If you want me I'll be in the bar'." ~Joni M.
At sunrise he knew she would wake up, he knew exactly how she would look around and laugh at first. Exactly. He looked out of the window and with throbbing eyes beheld the silhouettes of trees as they raced over the glowing sea of sunrise. Eastern light beams blurred into tears and confusion as the awareness of space and time came chopping into his sides. Frame by frame life was converted into memories and memories, conversely, were recoded into life. At some point before sunrise it happened: the very edges, the last strings of his heart, snapped under the constant friction of living and the vital organ separated into two solid pieces sending prickly slivers of pain to every sense he possessed. It was then he started to cry, he cried for hours and days, until the bus was filled with tears, silent and remorseful, they filled the streets over which the bus had passed causing dust to settle and puddles of sadness to spring. The bus moved west, and so did the tears, making a blue trail all the way to California, and there they remained but sparkled this time, in the sun. Then he remembered, somewhat bitterly, the brown girl on the corner four months before, the one whose heart he broke, the only one who could ever lead him to break his own: the one who said it was impossible to drown in one's own tears,that only those of our loved ones had that power. " He rocked back and forth on the dawn, hoping she was safe from his tears, hoping he was not safe from hers.
In Chicago, similar pools formed, but these were louder perhaps and more lamenting. She woke up to the same sun Mr. Sharp had seen from the bus, only the trees weren't racing with her, they stood constant as before. By the same light source they saw into the distance, only he was looking East and she, West. Only trees and space prevented them from seeing one another as they became crippled in the aftermath of a devastating lovestorm.
He left one of the two necklaces, like he said he would, behind the mirror in the living room: he left the cross. The same cross his father had left him the morning he abandoned the infant star at the door of a hospital. She took it, like she said she would, and threw it down from the overpass, watching it land on the railway tracks far below. It was only sanity, then, that held her from following it. She walked up to the edge, were Sanity held her back, firmly, around the waist, and coaxed her off of the ledge. "This is the New Year." It rung in her head.
"So this is the New Year," Morgan Sharp stood singing under the spotlights onstage guitar in hand, people screaming his name...and in the dark crowd he could see no faces but he felt music, note by note, and his mind, altered as it was on stimulants, depressants and narcotics was clear like sheets of water frozen in noonday sun. He felt conscious that someone was watching, one person who's eyes he could never forget, because when they were laid upon him he felt exposed, like a heart wrapped in transparent flesh and cotton. His first live performance broadcasted worldwide with at midnight. Indeed, she was watching, but this time from a secure seat in her new life, and when she saw him onstage she turned to stone, stuck there, a chunk of soft granite, far after they cut him from the screen to show how a domestic woman might use a new age-dustpan. But before that, just before they sold him to the advertising companies, He looked towards the audience as the smoke of the new year swallowed him whole he said, "I love, wildly." Screams almost drowned out his last words: "Because that's the only kind of love there is."
Midnight. So that was the new year, a year that turned him into a memory,one that required intricate recoding. Whether the memory was fond or foul, well, that was irrelevant.
"Everybody get your best suits or dress on.
Let's make believe we are wealthy for just this once.
Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
as thirty dialogs bleed into one.
I wish the world was flat like the old days,
and we could travel just by holding a map.
No more airplanes or speed trains or freeways..
there'd be no distance that could hold us back."
~Death Cab for Cutie
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