DETROIT-- Former State Rep. Mary Waters, who was swirled into a corruption scandal with her relationship to consultant Sam Riddle and involved in a domestic dispute with him, claims the powers that b, namely Kym Worthy, Wayne County Prosecutor, want Riddle in jail.
Here's what she had to say on Facebook:
"The police officer lied in his report. He testified to things I never said. He tried to get me to choose the wrong gun, and then said I should file charges against Sam. Once I do, he would like to have Sam's nice guns. I did ask the prosecutor to investigate those reports and her own staff. It never happened. She was too focused on getting Sam put in prison.
Mildred Gaddis was at the scene the night of the incident. When she first walked in, her first words were "Girl Kym said you better file charges". This was before I gave the police a report. Sam never stood a chance because Kym's mind was already made up.
Kym Worthy spoke to me like yesterday's trash when I met with her the day Sam was released from jail. Sam has his faults, but is the best friend one could ask for. Thanks Sam for taking care of me during my cancer and other illinesses, for helping with my sick mother and for reading to and teaching my nephew. Sam would never hurt me physically. I am sorry my friend because I know why you were in so much pain."